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Writer's picture:  Laura Hirch Laura Hirch

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

Unearthing the Hidden Symbols of Western Civilization through the Danube Script of Old Europe

What's this about?

On numerous Neolithic finds in the area of today's Balkan (Serbia, Romania, Kosovo, Bulgaria), inscriptions on pottery have been found that indicate the first writing.

The archaeologist Dr. Marija Gimbutas associated these signs with the Goddess-worshipping matriarchies of that time, calling them the 'Language of the Goddess'.

Holy inscriptions

The most prominent itemswith inscriptions were figurines which have the value of a leitform throughout all periods of the Danube civilization (29% of all artifacts).

These figurines did not serve any economic purpose but rather a spiritual one. The Danube script served human beings to communicate with the spirit-world, inspired by a worldview which centered around a primordial female life-force.

The Tărtăria tablets

The three clay tablets date from 5300 BCE and were found in a cave in Romania. Judging from further finds on site, it must have been the residence and work objects of a female shaman.

"On the clay tablets you can also see, among other things, the figure of a female person with raised arms. These indicate this special worship of the Goddess"

The following motifs are repititious Old European symbols are not just "geometric motifs".Marija Gimbutas spent tedious work to discover 'they must belong to an alphabet of the metaphysical'.

The V-sign

The Goddess hieroglyph. Graphically, the pubic triangle is most directly rendered as a V. It became for ages the designated mark of the Bird Goddess. Geese, cranes and swans are painted and engraved in caves, bone objects.


V's, chevrons and multiple chevrons (inverted or opposed) appear during the latest Paleolithic and Mesolithic engraved on bone and antler. It remained constant for millenia.


According to Dr. Gimbutas "meander stressed the importance of the aquatic source of the life source as water". A metaphor for water.

Zig Zag

The symbol of water. The zig zag is the earliest symbolic motif recorded. Neaderthals used this sign 40.000 years ago or even earlier. In combination with M-sign it suggests female moisture and amniotic fluid.


the M-sign is an abbreviated zig zag. It is related to water and Goddess in lifegiving funtion (birthing position). Often central ornament on vases.

Net Motif

often marks images of the Birdgoddess connecting her with the life-waters they represent. The net also appears with symbols of becoming (eggs, vulva and plant forms) to emphasize life giving powers of Goddess.


It appears as an independent symbol on figurines and vases. Three snakes would express greater power than one for example.

But why is there so little knowledge about the Danube script out there?

Conservative historians reject the idea of an early civilization in Europe that existed 8,000 years ago. For many scholars it is still unthinkable that the early agriculturalists in Europe might have experimented with writing technology independently and long before the rise of Sumerian civilization.

Current science dates the (cuneiform) writing of the Sumerians to 3500BC as the oldest writing in

the world, the East as the cradle of civilisation.

So: This would mean a paradigm shift in science. Thus, the Danube script would be the oldest known script of mankind.

Dr. Marija Gimbutas catalogued in this magnum opus the artifacts and symbols found on cave walls, rocks, sculpture and pottery from Old Europe. She interwove comparative mythology, early historical sources, linguistics, ethnography, and folklore to demonstrate conclusively that Goddess-worship is at the root of Western civilization.

The linguist Prof. Harald Haarmann is one of those who has been working for decades on deciphering the Danube script, giving it its name. He researches the formation of Old Europe, the area of the finds, and continues the work of Dr. Marija Gimbutas.


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